Saturday, June 16, 2007

traveller and an update

So, we went to the beach Thursday with my Grandma. It was perfect weather, and the boys were really good, until we got in the car to leave. We had a really fun afternoon. The kids loved playing in the sand, we built sand castles and 'lakes'. Afterwards, we went to get ice cream at McDonalds. And - I didn't bring my camera! So, I have no pics to share :(
Is anyone watching Traveller? It's a summer show and we never watch any summer series, I guess I've always had the impression that they weren't good enough to be on during the regular season so why watch?!? Anyways, this show is amazing. In line with Lost and Prison Break, not that I like it AS much as I like those two, but it's similiar in that it is like a movie, the story just keeps going and going. Does that make sense? Every episode is not an isolated event. Really, really good TV! Nice to have something to watch while all the other shows are done.
Perry's mom took the boys for the afternoon, she's hoping to take them swimming at her brothers. Perry is sleeping, so I should be scrapbooking. (Well, really I should be cleaning...)
Have a great weekend!!!

1 comment:

Terry said...

I love these layouts. Great. Brittany is coming tomorrow. We are going to the animal farm