Tuesday, May 22, 2007


OH boy! The kids drove us nuts yesterday! Gavin slept in until 8:45, but somehow still managed to be alot of trouble before we went out. After breakfast, we went to visit my Mom and Aunt and Rain. That was fine. Perry was installing the new thermostat for our furnace. Then I bring them home and we go for a walk. That was fine. Then we come home... that was not so fine. We wanted to do a little yard work because we have alot to do!!! (I mean a lot!) They were just doing everything they shouldn't do. I planted some pots and cleared out some of the over grown perennials in the garden, Perry was ripping a board off the seat on our deck that was water logged. Anyways, they were just not listening to anything. When we came in Ethan was pretty good, but Gavin just won't ever sit still, so if Ethan isn't playing with him, then he's looking for trouble. They, for some reason, were very tired today (even though Gavin got almost 15hrs of sleep the night before).
In other news, we bought the first season of Prison Break and only have 2 episodes left. What a great show! Now we have to get the second season before the new one starts! And the Lost and AI finales are this week. We will have to tape both we have plans those nights!! :(
Happy Tuesday!

1 comment:

Bonita Rose said...

I am taping AI too.. gonna watch it later.. should be good!