Tuesday, January 30, 2007

inspiration everything

Here are my first two art journal cards. They are both pretty shabby looking. I don't generally tend to make things that way, but that's how they turned out! Not too sure what I think of the yellow one, it really doesn't do anything for me, but that's not supposed to be the point with this project anyway. It's more of enjoying the creative release and trying new techniques. On the yellow card I did a resist technique with rubber cement and ink, but my rubber cement was a little dried out and it didn't work the greatest. I am really enjoying making these cards.
2peas blog challenge:
Things That Inspire Me- Lately, everything has been inspring me. My kids, my husband, shopping, ads, viewing the 2peas gallery, checking out blogs. The Bible has really been inspiring me in my everyday life and artistically, I am hoping to do a version of these cards with all scriptures and also mybe some plaques for the wall.
I have got to go, but I am working on a bunch of things right now so hopefully I'll have some pics to post this week! Happy Tuesday!

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