Thursday, July 19, 2007

progress!! yay

We took the kids swimming at the YMCA yesterday. It was hard to even convince Ethan to go. He is not afraid of water, but he is a fraid of pools, he likes to be able to touch the ground. So since we had bought the kids memberships and that includes swimming lessons and programs that involve swimming, I thought we should try to get him comfortable in that pool specifically. When we first went in he was clinging to my neck like mad. He decided that he wanted to jump in, so I held his hands while he jumped to me. Then he would jump to me on his own. Meanwhile, Gavin is jumping in without anyone catching him (Perry was there, but Gavin thought it was great to jump in and go under!) We tried to get Ethan to float on his back, he did it a couple times near the end, but he held my arm for dear life! By the end both the kids were swimming (with life jackets on) all on there own, Gavin moreso than Ethan. I couldn't believe that Ethan was actually letting me let go. Neither one of them knew how to keep themselves upright in the life jackets when we got there and they were both swimming in them when we left! Ethan was crying when we left! I am so glad that we took them, I felt really bad thinking that he was scared of the pool when all the kids were having fun.


Terry said...

Way to go Ethan

Terry said...

Where are the new postings? I am waiting. lol