Sunday, July 29, 2007

tired, tired, sick and sick

Ok- I typed this post yesterday (Sunday), but it wouldn't let me post so it's actually not about today.
Perry and I are the first two, the kids the next.
This is not meant to be a rant, or complaint, just details of what went down yesterday! Yesterday I was soooo exhausted. The kids seemed to be getting over the colds that they had, so we took them swimming in the afternoon. After we got home around 6pm, Gavin started seeming whiny and really tired and wouldn't eat anything for supper. He asked to go to bed, so we put him down at 6:30. As we were putting Ethan to bed at 7, Gavin woke up crying. He was saying that his ear hurt and he kept crying and I could tell that he was really uncomfortable. Perry had to go to work for a bit, and I was planning on taking Gavin to the hospital when he got home, but he asked to go to bed right before Perry got home. I put him down again at 8. We went to bed at 9. Gavin woke up at 10:30 crying again, so I got ready and drove him to the hospital. I drove by the hospital in our city and it was packed, so we drove to one that is about 25 min. away. There was no one there we arrived. So the doctor check his ears, he can't see anything because Gavin apparantly has hard wax over his ear drum. So he gave me a prescription for ear wax softening drops and an antibiotic. But it after midnight, so I can't get it filled until morning. As I'm putting Gavin in the car, my phone rings. I was surprised to hear Perry. Ethan had been up about 5 times, saying his ear hurt (he never heard Gavin say that because he was asleep). So Perry had pretty much been up the whole time that I was. So we left the hospital and I start driving home we had this conversation:
Gavin- 'there's a ball up there'
Me- 'that's the moon'
Gavin- 'no, it's a ball. I don't want it up there.'
Me- 'where do you want it?'
Gavin- 'in the grass'
It was SOOO cute! We got Gavin to bed when we got home at 1. Ethan kept waking up though, and finally at 2:30 I went to sleep in his room. He slept until 5:30 (his normal time), but it is definitely not restful sleeping with a toddler! Luckily, Gavin slept the rest of the night and is still sleeping (it is only 6am right now). We have to be somewhere at 11, so I don't know if I'll get back to bed until this afternoon, if that's even possible.
Just went to get Gavin and he seems fairly normal. Ethan seems to be himself, too.
As much as I don't like my kids being sick and being woken up when I'm exhausted, I love that they are usually cuddly, because they are so busy all the time that I don't get a chance to hold them alot. It was kind of nice to spend that time with Gavin driving to the hospital (I would probably have had a different opinion if we had waited much longer!)

We had BBQ smores last week! yummy

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