Sunday, August 31, 2008

eating for less

I am trying to make a point of spending less money on food. Obviously, eating out costs a lot, so I am trying to make a menu of what we will eat each night and that always seems to help because I'm not wondering at 4 o'clock what I should make for dinner. Right now, I am going to try and use alot of the food that we have in the house. Then I am thinking of trying to do a week of dinners that are $5 or less! If we could do that once a month and still watch what we second the rest of the time, we would save a fortune! I have glanced at this blog and I love the idea and hope to get some meal plans from her, but I haven't had the time to really look through it.
Anyway, I will try to update with our progress and you can see how we make out with this plan/idea/whatever....
One thing I do to save money that I never really thought much about is to make my own chip dip. It's pretty much as easy as buying it and it can be used for veggie dip, too. I'm sure it's a fairly common thing people do, but I thought I would post it anyhow.
Chip/Veggie Dip
500ml (2cups) fat free sour cream
1 pkt dry onion soup mix

Happy Sunday!!

"It is good to give thanks to the Lord." Psalm 92:1

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