Alright, to finish off where I started the other day. The other subjects I want to cover through out the week are Physical Education, Life Skills, Arts and/or Crafts, Music, Social Studies, and Science.
Life Skills- This would include things like baking, cooking, cleaning, laundry, sewing, money matters, etc. I would like to start baking our own bread every week. I have an awesome recipe that makes 4 loaves, so easily it can be frozen after the second rise and we will be able to have fresh bread all week. Perry used to be a franchisee for a bread company, but sold his route last month, so now we need to buy or make our bread!
Art and/or Crafts- make crafts or study artists.
Music- this one is a little harder to really study, as I don't know anything about music. We will listen to children's song and Bible songs. Maybe next year I will sign Ethan up for some kind of music lesson.
Science- fun little science experiments and simple facts.
Social Studies- looking at maps, learning about people before us and different cultures.
Physical Education- this is another area I don't care to focus too much energy into! the kids are signed up with the YMCA. Every week they attend three programs- 1st Wacky Wednesday (cooking, gym time and play), 2nd swimming lessons, 3rd Junior Y Kids which is kind of like 2 1/2 hrs of preschool, they do crafts, centres, outdoor play, story time, etc.
My goals for this year:
-to recognise numbers to 100
-to read simple books
-to start becoming familiar with the scripture
-to become responsible for daily chores
-to improve handwriting
-to learn simple addition and subtraction
-to learn letters and sounds
-to count to 100
-to start becoming familiar with the scripture
-to become familiar with months, seasons, calendar, sense of yesterday, today, tomorrow
-to learn phone number and address
-to write name

their version of the yellow brick road:

I had my zoom lense on and couldn't get back far enough to get a pick of our whole vegetable garden, so here's one tomato, lol:

I did not plant these morning glories, but they are gorgeous!:

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