Friday, June 1, 2007

the first four days

have been really good! We had one little incident where we realised that Desi is a little possessive of her bone, but it was only her 2nd day here and she hadn't been eating. Other than that everything's been great. We took her to the beach on Wednesday. She likes the water. I took the kids and her for a walk this morning at 7:45! You know your kids are up early when you can shower and have everyone dressed and out the door at that time! The kids just love Desi, we are really happy with her!
Oh something funny that I wanted to mention that happened last week when we took the kids over to the park. Ethan was playing with a little girl the whole time that was about a year older than him. Well, her mom gave the boys some drink boxes and in the middle of drinking them Ethan walks over and says, "What's my phone number?" ?!?! Is this normal? I don't know but I thought he'd be older than 3 before girls started asking for his number!


Rachael said...

haha!! Too funny about the phone number!!

Anonymous said...

Too funny! I guess some girls are boy crazy very early.

Jill said...

LOL - too cute!!