Friday, May 4, 2007

some faves

Here's a little hint of my TV preferences!
Perry and I watched Survivor last night and we were talking about how we really don't have any favourites this season. I kind of liked Michelle, but she's gone. Then we were talking about our all time favourites. Apart from the very first season, I didn't start watching until the middle of Amazon. We both really liked Matthew from that season, I believe he was the runner up. My very favourite was Ian from Season 10 (not sure where that one was). We both also really liked Ozzy last year.
My favourite TV show by far is Lost. My favourite character used to be Sayid, but he's not around too much anymore. My favourite story lines seem to centre around 'the 3'- Jack, Kate and Sawyer. I am a little annoyed at Jack lately. I really want to like Juliette, but I'm not sure about her. I think Sawyer is probably my fave right now.
The other two shows we like are American Idol (Blake by far!) and Criminal Minds (my fave is Reed).

1 comment:

Colleen said...

I feel ya on the Survivor thing. I like thos show, but this season seems to be a bit of a bust! No one to love to hate and the others are sort of uninteresting. I'm another Criminal Minds fan too!

Have a great weekend and NSD!