Thursday, March 15, 2007

self protraits, weather, sleep, etc.

Trying out the self portrait thing. I am never in pics, I need to hand the camera over more often! I have seen so many pages where people journal about themsleves and I have no pics of myself. So, I took some myself!
Did I ever tell you my family is secretly a bunch of green monsters?
What a week! Saturday was our first really nice day, Perry and I took the kids for a walk. It was sooo nice to get outside! Sunday and Monday were pretty nice, too. But, Tuesday was over 70 degrees! It was a record around here and it was so gorgeous! I had the windows open, the kids played outside, I swept the back porch. I love the spring and the feeling of happiness that comes with it. Then Wednesday, it rained a bit, but was still fairly warm. Today I woke up to snow! Oh well, it was fun while it lasted! It won't be long before the nice weather is here to stay.
Last night I worked on a mini album I'm doing. I got two Deck of Me cards done, finally! I will scan them tomorrow. Trying to find time to get the CPS card done. And I haven't done any regular 'booking (as my husband has been calling it, lol)! Wish I had more time...
Good news- Ethan slept until 6 today, 6:15 the day before, and the two days before that were 5:30. Still early, but it's great for me. I don't mind getting up at 6am, even 5:30 is better then 4:30! So, if he keeps this up I will find more scrapbooking time because I will be able to stay up a bit longer. I think it is because of Daylight Savings time that he's sleeping in, and now that I've thought about it was about the time that Daylight Savings ended last year that he started to get up so early.
Happy Thursday!


Maureen said...

Great photos! Yeah, I know what you mean about regular "booking" as your hubby called it (LOL). I just finished a mini-book and now I am ready to do a regular page again!

Lynn said...

Wonderful photos! I do the same thing. I hog the camera or no one else want's to take the photos so I'm never in them. I don't mind most of the time, due to looking like death most days, lol. I just love your green monsters! I'm just starting to take photos of myself for a "Book of Me". Good luck with yours.
Sleeping in... awwww.. just wonderful. I love when they start to sleep a little later. Wait until they are teenagers.. you have to fight with them to get them up!