The kids are going to the babysitter's today. We aren't going to the States today :( Maybe I will get to scrapbook, if Perry has a nap (he gets up at 1:30am for work!) So that will be fun! There are a few cards I want to make and I want to finish that altered box I've been working on in little spurts. I used to wonder why people would want to work on more than one project at a time and why they wouldn't want to just focus on one. Now that I try to do ALOT more scrapping than I used to, I can see why. There are projects where I can only do a piece at a time (ones involving paint drying, etc.). There are times when you just need to step away to get perspective. There are times when you think you won't have enough time to finish one thing, so naively (?) you start something 'shorter'! I like having a couple projects on the go, but it somehow makes me feel behind. I feel 'I've got sooo much to finish', lol. It's a great feeling to be creating so much. It's always been 'my thing'. I'm working on improving my skills, but my love of the art has always been 'me'. I can so see how being involved in a hobby continually is stress relieving and just all around a spirit booster. And I'm working towards blessing others through it, too, by sending random cards, making little unexpected gifts- things that will put a smile on peoples faces. This is making me think of my manifesto again, maybe I should go back to that and think on that idea again. It may be coming to me.
On a funny note- The other day Ethan walked into the room (I don't think he saw me) and he's holding his teddy bear. Then he says, "Teddy, I told you I love you two weeks ago..." Sooo cute. He said it like- duh, Teddy, don't you remember?!? He is so precious.
Those summer photos are great :) Hope you get some pages done today!
nice photos :)
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