Saturday, March 22, 2008

new restaurant in town

Ethan (holding a pad of paper and a pen): What do want at our restaurant?
Me: Pizza.
E: We don't have pizza.
Me: Chicken.
E: We don't have chicken.
Me: Well, what do you have?
E: Strawberry yogurt, vanilla yogurt, panzerrottis, bananas and raspberries.
Me: A banana and strawberry yogurt.

And now my waiter is hounding me to try a panzerotti and chicken fries (he must have lied about not having chicken before). And I've been handed about 12 bills- apparently I didn't hear myself say everyone's food is on me.

Friday, March 21, 2008

March through the years

Ethan in March 2004:
Ethan in April 2005 (still blowing bubbles) - no pics from March this year, for some reason:
Ethan in April 2006 - no pics from March this year either :( :
Ethan in March 2007:
Ethan in March 2008:

Gavin in April 2005 :
Gavin in April 2006:
Gavin in March 2007:
Gavin in March 2008:

And just to show how small they were at the same time:

Also in March 2004 - my brother Owen (on the left), when he was under 6 feet. What happened?:

Oh, and Perry and I are both sick now...

Thursday, March 20, 2008

everyday and more sick...

Gavin was really sick again yesterday, so we went to the hospital for the 5th time about 6 weeks. They seemed fairly concerned about him when we got there, but after seeing a couple of nurses and the doctor and a urine test they decided that he probably had a virus. By the time we got out of there he actually seemed ALOT better, so that was good.
Here is a collage of pictures I took this morning of everyday things:
And some pictures of Gavin today:

focus is off on this one, but I love his eyes here:

And Desi:

Little conversation with Gavin:
Gavin: How old are you?
Me: 25
G: But, I thought you were 28?
Me: Daddy is 28.
G: Is Daddy old?
Me: Daddy is very old.
G: Grandma Allison is old. Are you old?
Me: Noooo....

Monday, March 10, 2008

enough was not enough...

3 days after taking Gavin to the hospital, Perry, Ethan and I all went to emergency! Not fun...
All four of us were sooo sick. For me, the worst of it lasted 4 whole days, then I started to feel better but I was really tired. I still have a cough and am congested but I feel pretty good other than that. Glad that is over! (well, mostly over...)

Right before I got sick, I went to a Stampin Up party and made these two cards. It was alot of fun to do something creative again. The next day I made this:

Then I got sick, so hopefully now that I'm better I can do some more! The stamps I ordered should be in soon!
Here are some random pics I've taken:

kinda blurry but I love it:

like the blue marker?:

Sunday, March 2, 2008

enough is enough

Another trip to the hospital...
Gavin had a fever of 40 degrees yesterday. The doctor didn't even tell me what was wrong, but he gave him a prescription for Amoxil... not fun.
3 out of the last 5 Saturdays I have been in the hispital with one of the kids.
In January, I was thinking how little we had been sick this winter- then February hit. Gavin got a cold, then pneumonia, then Ethan got bronchitis, then Gavin got a cold, then Perry was sick, I've been getting headaches all month, then Gavin got sick yesterday. Now I'm sick and Ethan seems to be a little bit sick.
I'm sick.
and tired.