Thursday, August 30, 2007


That was the dogs name! He was microchipped, the owners came to meet me at the vet to take him home. They live one street over and apparently he was missing for about 4 hrs before we found him. I was glad to have found the owners, but I actually really miss him. He was so cute and sweet! They were really happy and grateful to have him back and his tail was just wagging away when they got there! When I got home, Perry actually said, 'it's kind of bitter sweet, eh?' I was kind of surprised to hear that. He said that we might have been able to keep him, if we hadn't found the owners! I think he liked that he was so small.
Today, I've got Gavin in underwear- so, we'll see how that goes.
Happy Thursday!

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

we found

a little tiny chihuahua in our yard last night! I looked out the window at 6pm and saw him climbing on our porch. Desi was outside, and she likes to chase squirrels, birds and cats, so I freaked. I yelled to Perry to let Desi in, who was right at the door. So, he opened the door and let her in and we all went out to try and catch this little dog. Perry's mom came over right about then for supper, and we were supposed to have Bible Study at 7. So for about 20 min, we tried chasing the dog. He was very scared. Finally, the kids cornered him and I went and grabbed him. He bit me a few times- if you can call it a bite! So, I catch him and we're like 'what now?' We decided to take the dog in the front door and let Desi back out in the yard. We put the Chihuahua in Desi's crate. We went to a few of the neighbours and asked if they knew where it came from. Nobody did. One of the neighbour's daughters said that she would take it if we couldn't find his home. We called the radio station and they aired it, but we haven't heard anything. We didn't have a little collar, so we used a shoelace with some foam beads on it (for cushion) and Desi's leash. When we took him outside, he tried to run away at first, but seemed pretty good after. We brought her in the house and she slept in our shower- we didn't want Desi to know he was still here and also wanted to keep him confined. So, we set up a towel, a newspaper, some food and water. Surprisingly, he actually ate the food. We didn't hear a peep from him all night. He is so adorable, I would love to keep him, but I'm not sure how Desi would react to that. I suppose they would get used to each other eventually. I'm pretty sure Perry doesn't want another dog- although he does seem to think this ones pretty cute. He was calling him 'Cheeko'! I would guess that he weighs no more than 4 lbs! Today, we will probably get him scanned to see if he has a microchip. Then, I don't know.

Sunday, August 26, 2007


So, Ethan has had this thing with his clothes this summer that has really been driving me crazy! At the beginning of summer he was ok with wearing shorts- like most other kids are! Well, not too much later he decides that he only likes pants- and sweaters and socks! Hellooo- it's over 90 degrees kid. So everyday I had to fight with him not to wear this stuff. Now it's almost September and I've got him to the point that he will chose a t-shirt everyday. But he still wants pants and socks. Even if I convince him to wear shorts, he still wants socks and shoes. I guess he'll be glad for fall!

Sunday, August 19, 2007


On Friday, we all went to the beach with my Grandma, my Mom and my Aunt Cathy. We ate lunch first, after we were done Ethan threw the extra bread to the seagulls. My mom siad that there was one with fishing line caught around it's foot and a bobber hanging from it. I didn't see it. We went swimming and the kids played at the park. They had lots of fun with Aunt Cathy in the water and playing frisbee with her. I should have taken a little video of Gavin's frisbee throwing skills, they need a little improvement to say the least. Well, this seagull with the bobber comes back. The people next to us were trying to get it. It flew a little ways away. Perry follows it, the mom next to us goes to get scissors and some kids are following it as well. The idea was to get close to it and just cut the line. Perry got close enough to step on the line, it was probably at least 3 feet long. Another man got in on the action, too, and helped Perry hold the bird down. The hook was stuck in the birds body, right were the foot connects to the body. They cut the line and then Perry tried to see if the hook would come out. It had started to heal over already. He tried a bit to get it out, but didn't want to hurt the bird too much, and there wasn't much to grip. Perry snapped the hook so that there wouldn't be a big piece hanging out. Then, the other man's wife got his tackle box and they got some pliers. Finally, Perry got the hook out. The bird was bleeding somewhat, but he flew off right after. Hopefully, he's got a better chance now. We're sure that that bobber would have gotten stuck somewhere and he wouldn't have been able to get away.
Here are some pics from that day.

Friday, August 17, 2007

new layout

Really being inspired by Emily lately.

Thursday, August 16, 2007


Ethan- "Can I have some more oatmeal?"
Me- "I only have this kind, and Gavin just tried it and said it was yucky."
Ethan- "But I will like it."
Me- "OK."
5 or 6 mins later, he takes a bite.
Ethan- "OH Mooommmy! I DON'T like it!"
May not be so funny if you weren't there, but the way he said it was hilarious! I just wanted to record it somewhere.
Not too much going on here. Just getting over a cold. I haven't been sleeping well at all the last few nights, I can't seem to fall asleep.
I can't believe that Ethan will be going to school in less than 3 weeks. Crazy.

Monday, August 13, 2007

busy morning

Wow! It's only 10am and this is what we have already done:
-been up for 5 hrs
-eaten breakfast
-spent an hour in the garden
-showered and changed
-played with playdough
-scrapbooked (the boys each made pages)
-I did a Deck of Me card(it has only been, oh, 6 months maybe since I did my last one), pictured above- pretty plain but one of my faves
-ate snacks
and now the kids are 'relaxing' watching Diego. I think that I'm getting sick, hoping the kids will let me get a good nap in later.
I have been lovin' Emily Falconbridge's blog and work lately. If you haven't already I seriously suggest checking her out, link is at the right.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

nothing much

Not too much going on here. We got Gavin back on Wednesday. We had a nice afternoon at the beach. Gavin just loves the water. There were fairly big waves and he was the only kids that wanted to go out very far. He didn't care how hard they hit him or how fast they came, he just loved it! I think he's going to be a thrill seeker when he gets older! I guess we'll have lots of fun at Cedar Point! We found out the next day that a teenage girl drowned there a few hours later. Crazy.
Yesterday, I got a bit of gardening done. We are taking out some gardens, we have way too many. The kids are going to go to the Y today. Not sure what's going on this afternoon, hopefully something fun.
Have a good weekend.

Wednesday, August 8, 2007


This post is from yesterday, but I couldn't get it posted... My coolio brother was here last week for 4 days. We had alot of fun! Played lots of Settlers, went to the beach, went shopping. Fun stuff. I miss seeing him all the time. :( I think he's coming again next week so that'll be cool.
This week we traded Gavin for our niece Abby. We have been having lots of fun with her, too. We were going to go to the zoo today. Plans changed. We talked to Gavin last night, he cried. Abby talked to her parents, she cried. We miss Gavin, especially Perry (he says it all the time!). So we are meeting in Grand Bend and switching back. 3 days early. Can't wait to see Gavin, though. We are going to spend the afternoon at the beach.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007


having trouble with blogger. I've got some pics to post, when I get a chance.

Wednesday, August 1, 2007

blogger is driving me nuts!!! arghh...

I can hardly ever get to my blog, let alone post. I can hardly view other 'bloggers' blogs. Not too happy...
Anyways, my brother is staying here, so that's good :) My aunt and uncle came over the other night and taught us how to play The Settlers of Catan. Awesome game. Very addicting. If you've never played, check it out. Might be a little confusing to learn on your own, but so worth it. We love board games, does that makes us geeks? lol :)
I better get this posted before I lose my connection!