Wednesday, February 28, 2007

things I like

Well, I was browsing through the gallery at 2peas the other day and wrote down some things that I liked in layouts. I packed up my list with my scrapping stuff yesterday, so I will have to try and remember it.
1- my favourite colours were the deep ones, reds, browns, tans, dark blues and greens. No surprise there! I also liked the really muted and pale colours.
3-large titles
4-single photo layouts
That's all I can think of right now, but I'm sure that there are more.
I am taking the kids to my parents today, while the people are here working on the basement. I can't wait until it's all over!
This pic is just to remind what green grass looks like!

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

cps card

Just did this card quickly and wanted to post, now off to clear out my room...

elsie sketch 3

This is the layout I worked on yesterday. Not very true to sketch, but it was fun to do. Love the bohemia paper.
Well, I have to clear out my ENTIRE scrap room today. We are having part of the floor jackhammered tomorrow because it is leaking when there's a lot of rain. So I won't be able to do any scrapping for the next couple days. :(
Happy Tuesday!

Monday, February 26, 2007

a day in the life

The Elsie challenge this week is to scrap a day in your life. I'm not sure I have the pics right now to do that, I will try to take some soon. But, I thought that I would write down a typical day here.
1:45am- Perry gets up for work.
4:45am- Ethan wakes up and goes to the kitchen, or living room- hopefully I hear him :) One day I didn't hear him and he got into the fridge and took out a LunchMate and opened it and started eating it, then he must have realised that there was a little KitKat in there, too. I guess he couldn't open it, so he got out the scissors and started cutting the wrapper. Then, he went and got another LunchMate from the fridge and only grabbed the KitKat out of it and did the same thing to it. Well, when I got up he had eaten both little chocolate bars and there were tiny shreds of wrapper all over the table and floor! What a guy!
After Ethan gets up I usually turn the TV on quietly for him and I check my email, 2peas and my blog.
5:30ish- Ethan eats breakfast. Then plays or watches TV until Gavin gets up.
7:30-8:00am- Gavin wakes up. Then we all eat. I do a load of laundry and try to straighten up the house. Kids have bath.
10ish- Perry gets home. He always calls me on his way back to town- which I love! Perry eats and a few days a week has a nap.
11ish- Gavin has a nap and a few days a week, Ethan does, too. Gavin will usually only sleep about 45min-1hr, Ethan usually 2-3hrs.
12ish- Gavin usually up first, he eats lunch then we play.
1-1:30- Ethan and Perry get up.
2ish- We usually have some kind of running around to do.
4-4:30pm- Eat supper.
6pm- Gavin goes to bed.
6:30-7pm- Ethan goes to bed.
8-9pm- Perry goes to bed.
9-10pm- I go to bed.
Of course every day is not the same, but that's a typical day when we don't have any other plans. Summer will be much more fun!
2peas challenge:
If you can remember going on a family vacation. What was your favorite and why?
We have always vacationed at a cottage up north. We didn't go every year, but we have probably been there half a dozen times- I think I'd rather go there than anywhere. It is full of memories and just relaxing and having fun with family. Perry and I celebrated our first anniversary there, I was so happy for him to go there. We are going this year again. It will be the first time that the kids have been on a vaction like this, so it will be alot of fun. My whole family is going- my mom and dad, my brother, my sister, her fiancee, their little boy, my grandparents, my other grandma, Perry, Ethan, Gavin and I- and I just found out that my aunt and her family might be in the area, too. It is going to be so much fun! I can't wait.

Sunday, February 25, 2007

so tired

So tired... my wonderful husband is going to get up early so I can go back to bed soon. I really hope Ethan will learn to sleep past 6am or even 5am soon...
Here's a fun quote (not sure where it's from, anyone know?):
A Mother’s Love
A Mother’s Love is important,
For every child to see,
To hold, to touch, to kiss their cheeks,
Her Way for them to see.
A love that is so gentle,
A love that is so pure,
A love that only A Mother’s Love,
Is felt and will endure.
She knows your every weakness,
She knows your every pain,
She knows A Mother’s Love for you,
Has everything to gain.
You see her will to do what’s right,
And hope you don’t do wrong,
But if you do, a mother’s love,
Forgives and just goes on.

Saturday, February 24, 2007

stuff from last night

Well, we had fun last night! These are the pages I got done. I like the last one the best, but it didn't photograph very well. It looks much better in real life. The first lo is from this week's pencil lines sketch, not sure I'm loving that lo too much though.
I just checked the CPS blog and my blog is linked to it twice! That was exciting to see! Also, I was really excited that Elsie left a little comment on two of my lo's on 2peas! Fun stuff!
We've got some friends coming over tonight to hang out, that'll be fun!

Friday, February 23, 2007

2peas challenge

2peas Challenge~

With Sring right around the corner. Lets share one thing we like to/looking forward to in the Srping.

I can't wait to get outside and play with the kids- we're a little sick of being in the house all the time. Also, we just moved to a new house with a lot of garden space and I can't wait to work in the yard and see all the perennials that are out there!

Thursday, February 22, 2007

waiting for Friday fun

My mom and my sister in law are coming over tomorrow night and the kids are going to their other Grandma's for the night! So we can stay up late and scrap! Ethan is usually awake at 4:30 am. So, I'm excited to not have to kick my company out at 10 because I can't sleep in past 5am, lol! Not sure what we're all going to do, I know my sister in law has mainly been doing cards lately, and my mom mainly does 12x12 lo's and I am always doing tons of different stuff. So we'll see how it goes! It will definitely be fun! So excited! I usually like to work on my own, because I think too much. So, I may just do some cards, they are a little less involved. I also need to get this week's Deck of Me card done. No shoe stories to tell, so I'll have to think of something creative.
I picked up some Bohemia papers yesterday at the lss, loving them.
Not sure what's going on today, other than watching Survivor tonight! Anyways, have a happy Thursday.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

2 posts in a day....

Just got these cards done. I'm really happy with them. The second card is from the CPS sketch for this week. Enjoy!


Where, oh where, oh where is summer? I am longing for it now. It's been pretty cold out and I am sick of snow. These pis were from last summer. Kids have such joy when they are having fun! I love those two smiling faces!
The kids are going to the babysitter's today. We aren't going to the States today :( Maybe I will get to scrapbook, if Perry has a nap (he gets up at 1:30am for work!) So that will be fun! There are a few cards I want to make and I want to finish that altered box I've been working on in little spurts. I used to wonder why people would want to work on more than one project at a time and why they wouldn't want to just focus on one. Now that I try to do ALOT more scrapping than I used to, I can see why. There are projects where I can only do a piece at a time (ones involving paint drying, etc.). There are times when you just need to step away to get perspective. There are times when you think you won't have enough time to finish one thing, so naively (?) you start something 'shorter'! I like having a couple projects on the go, but it somehow makes me feel behind. I feel 'I've got sooo much to finish', lol. It's a great feeling to be creating so much. It's always been 'my thing'. I'm working on improving my skills, but my love of the art has always been 'me'. I can so see how being involved in a hobby continually is stress relieving and just all around a spirit booster. And I'm working towards blessing others through it, too, by sending random cards, making little unexpected gifts- things that will put a smile on peoples faces. This is making me think of my manifesto again, maybe I should go back to that and think on that idea again. It may be coming to me.

On a funny note- The other day Ethan walked into the room (I don't think he saw me) and he's holding his teddy bear. Then he says, "Teddy, I told you I love you two weeks ago..." Sooo cute. He said it like- duh, Teddy, don't you remember?!? He is so precious.

Monday, February 19, 2007

some random stuff

Here's some pics of things that have been going on around here. The first one is one of my favourite winter pics from this year, love the kids' faces! The second is a lovely mess that Ethan made for me when he got mad about something very unimportant. The third and fourth are pretty self explanatory, just some fun things to do in the winter! And the last two pics are an envelope album that I started last week when my sister in law came over. It is a summer themed book about the boys. I put themed background papers on the envelopes and so far have only filled the 'water' pages. There are still two 'grass' pages and one 'sand' page left to do and some pockets. It was a spur of the moment kind of project because our husbands were talking and we wanted to scrap, but my SIL didn't have any pics, so we thought that this would be fun. I wish I had had some 6x6 envelopes or something similiar but all we had was business envelopes. I still think they're pretty cute though. We are going to go to the States tomorrow while the kids are at the babysitter's. I'm hoping to find some good scrapbooking goodies, can't wait!
ETA- Just found this fun quote
Listen to the MUSTN'TS
Listen to the DON'TS
Listen to the SHOULDN'TS
Listen to the NEVER HAVES
Then Listen close to ME~Anything can happen, child,
ANYTHING can be.
~Shel Silverstein

Sunday, February 18, 2007

pencillines lo

This lo is from a sketch on by Michelle Grant. Very fun to do! I have just recently started using sketches and I love working from an idea, instead of just sitting down and not knowing where you are going to start. I'm starting to get a bit more into making cards and here's a birthday card I did tonight. I'm going to start an Easter project soon and hope to get some more work done on the paper bag album that I'm working on. I'd also like to make a couple other gift albums. There's not enough time in a day! Check out Elsie's blog- she posted a great gift idea today. The link is to the right! Enjoy!

Saturday, February 17, 2007

finding me

Well, it's Saturday. I finished one lo last night and have one in progress. I have been focusing on doing fun and 'free' (not money-wise!) lo's, trying to find my style and while I love doing that and have a lot of fun, it just doesn't seem to be 'me'. So, hopefully I will find something that is more 'me'. My problem I think, is that I love almost every style of scrapbooking and so I can't decide what my way of doing it is. We'll see what happens...

Friday, February 16, 2007

CPS card and and Elsie challenge

This layout was done for Elsie challenge 26 (make clear flowers). I really enjoyed making flowers, but not sure about this layout- or maybe it's the picture I don't like. Of course I think that Gavin is beautiful, but the quality of the photo is not great and I think it takes away from the page. I would love to improve my photography skills.

The card is a card I made from a sketch on a new blog called 'Card Positioning Systems' It is a great blog, much like Pencillines They post a sketch and then have their designers make cards based on those sketches. Check it out, it's a great site!
Also, I posted a sketch for a card as well, I guess I got inspired by the CPS website!

Wednesday, February 14, 2007


Happy Valentine's Day! The kid's are running wild, so this is an ultra quick post! Have a fun day!

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

caught up

Well I am caught up on the Deck of Me journal. Here are my cards.

I'm not caught up on other projects though. I did the above lo this morning, I made two cards for birthdays, and have worked on the box I am altering. Lots to do!

Perry and I are celebrating Valentine's Day today, because the kids are gone to the babysitter's. So we will be going out for luch soon. It'll be nice to go out and be able to in peace and quiet!

Monday, February 12, 2007

a digi lo

Here's a digi layout I did the other day. They seem to come easier to me than paper lo's, but I enjoy doing the paper ones better.
Our youngest is going for his Chicken Pox vaccine today. When we tell him about it, he seems excited- poor little guy!
Working on another altered box, an envelope mini book, a paper bag album, and regular scrapping- lots to do and not much time to do it!

Saturday, February 10, 2007

quick post

Not much time, but here are two more sketches. The first layout is from Elsie 1st sketch, the second is from one of the previous sketches that I posted. Happy Saturday!

Friday, February 9, 2007

personal manifesto

So, in the AEZine from Ali Edwards, she talks about creating a manifesto:
What is a manifesto? According to my handy dandy computer
dictionary a manifesto is "a public declaration of policy and aims, esp. one
issued before an election by a political party or candidate." Essentially, it is
a cool, fancy name for a mission statement - a way to describe your overall
creative purpose.
She says to ask yourself these questions:

1.Why do I create?
2.What is the most important part of a scrapbook page for
3.How does my attitude effect the outcome of my projects?
4.What are my personal truths related to scrapbooking and
5.What do I tell myself each time I am working on a
Here are some ideas on the answers I have:

1. I create for fun, enjoyment, love of the hobby, relaxation, me-time, to get away, to preserve photos, memories and thoughts, to make art. It helps me realize what I have.

2.Pictures! I am working on journalling more- I have trouble with putting thoughts down for others to read.

3.If I'm willing to be more free just to create I usually make things with more variety I allow myself to try new things. Even if I don't like the outcome, I have tried it. I will find my style this way, someday!


5.Just have fun. Don't worry about it. Just try it. If it doesn't work- oh well. (I have to tell myself these things or I'll never 'try' anything and I'll be too hard on myself. I have more fun when I keep these things in mind..)

So, we'll see if I come back to this manifesto thing, and end up with one for myself...

On another note, I'll be scrapping again tonight. My mom is taking one son and Perry's mom just called and she is taking the other. Fun!

Thursday, February 8, 2007

some sketches

I was playing around on the computer and came up with these sketches. I will try to find some pics that will fit them and post some pages later.
Everybody's sleeping here.... silence....

Wednesday, February 7, 2007

more deck of me...

I'm trying to get caught up on the deck of me challenges. The top one is this weeks challenge to use some ephemera from this week, I used a piece of the napkins from the boys birthday party (which went great, by the way!). The bottom one is for 'a symbol I love'. I really didn't have a symbol I really love, but I've been seeing all these yummy valentine's cards and have been loving the hearts on them, so I used that theme.
We register Ethan for school today.... he's growing up so fast. Something seems very wrong about celebrating his third birthday on Saturday, and registering him for Jr. Kindergarten today. {sigh}
2peas blog challenge:
My favourite thing to wear this time of year is just jeans and a warm sweater- not too interesting! I like to be warm and cozy! I hate the cold weather. We had record breaking temperatures this week -20C without the the windchill! BRRRR....
Check out Elsie's blog, she just posted some sketches! So fun! (the link is in the side column)
Happy Wednesday!

Friday, February 2, 2007

tomorrow's the big day

Well, we are having the birthday party here tomorrow. We invited alot of people- not sure how many are coming though. Gavin's 2nd brithday is on Sunday and Ethan's was last month, so we thought that we would have their parties together. I'm sure the house will be full with noise, people, food and lots of kids running around. It'll be fun!
I did this layout quickly last night, I think it's missing something, may try to add to it later and re-post. I painted the background by taking a bottle of acrylic paint and running to lines down the pages, then took a small sponge roller and rolled over it and then just kept going over the whole page until I liked the look.
The kids are going to the babysitters for a few hours today so that we can get ready for the party.